Support on SIM cards

For general information about SIM cards, see SIM cards. For an explanation of the LED behavior, see the support page for your product.

Mobeye SIM cards

You are using a Mobeye SIM?

Mobeye SIM card users experience virtually no network problems. The “multi-provider” SIM card is connected everywhere.

If you do face a problem, you can consult Mobeye. Mobeye has access to the provider dashboard for extensive technical support.

Tip: Do not insert the card into another device or phone. The card is protected by a pin code. If the card is blocked, please contact us for the PUK code.

Own SIM cards

You are using your own SIM and you are experiencing problems?
  • Does your provider have poor coverage on site?
  • Is the SIM card blocked and is the PUK needed?
  • Prepaid cards: do you need to top on credit?
  • Prepaid cards: has the SIM card expired?
  • M2M card: is calling or texting blocked?
  • Does your provider prohibit the use of the SIM card in a device?